“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

-Leonardo Da Vinci

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect during the initial consultation?

The initial consultation is an opportunity for KBOC to assess your needs, discuss your goals, and understand your preferences. It's also a chance for you to ask questions and determine if we are a good fit for you as well!

How long will it take to organize my space?

The time required depends on various factors, including the size of the space, the amount of clutter, and the client's decision-making speed. KBOC will provide an estimate based on the initial assessment during the consultation.

Do I need to be present during the organizing sessions?

While it's helpful for the organizers of KBOC to have your input, you don't necessarily have to be present for every session. We can work independently, especially after the initial planning and goal-setting stages.

What happens to the items I want to get rid of?

KBOC can help you decide whether to donate, sell, recycle, or dispose of items. We will assist in coordinating donations and trash removal.

Is the organizing process confidential?

The KBOC team adheres to a strict code of ethics, including client confidentiality. They respect your privacy and will not share information about your space or belongings without your consent.

How can I maintain the organization after the sessions are complete?

The organizers at KBOC will provide guidance on maintenance and suggest habits to keep your space organized. This may include creating routines, developing storage systems, and periodically re-assessing and de-cluttering. Clients are also advised to join our maintenance plan to have the team do periodic refreshes of your spaces!

Will the organizer force me to get rid of things I want to keep?

KBOC works collaboratively with clients, respecting their values and attachment to items. They offer guidance on making decisions but ultimately respect your choices.

What types of spaces do organizers work on?

KBOC will work on a wide range of spaces including entire homes from your kitchen, to your closet, to your attic. We will also organize your business as well! We tailor their services to meet the unique needs and challenges of each client.